Love Telling ThanhCaVN nhắn với Gia đình TCVN và Quý Khách: BQT-TCVN xin cáo lỗi cùng ACE vì trục trặc kỹ thuật 2 ngày vừa rồi. Trân trọng! Loan Pham nhắn với Gia Đình TCVN: Kính chúc quý Cha, quý tu sĩ nam nữ và toàn thể quý anh chị em một Giáng Sinh ấm áp bên gia đình, người thân và tràn đầy ơn lành từ Chúa Hài Đồng. ThanhCaVN nhắn với TCVN: Nhân dịp Sinh Nhật lần thứ 16 Website, BQT-TCVN kính chúc Quý Cha, Quý Tu sỹ Nam Nữ, Quý Nhạc sỹ - Ca Trưởng – Ca sỹ, Quý Ân Nhân và toàn thể ACE luôn tràn đầy HỒNG ÂN CHÚA. Edit LM Loan Pham nhắn với TCVN: Kính Chúc Cà Nhà Một Tam Nhật Thánh và Một Mùa Phục Sinh Tràn Đầy Thánh Đức ... Loan Pham nhắn với TCVN: Chúc mừng năm mới đến quý Cha, quý tu sĩ nam nữ cùng toàn thể quý anh chị em tron gia đình TCVN thân yêu... Xin Chúa xuân ban nhiều hồng ân đến mọi người. Amen ThanhCaVN nhắn với ÔB & ACE: Kính chúc Năm Mới Quý Mão: Luôn tràn đầy Hồng Ân Thiên Chúa ThanhCaVN nhắn với Gia đình TCVN: Kính chúc Giáng Sinh & Năm Mới 2023: An Bình & luôn tràn đầy Hồng Ân Thiên Chúa. bethichconlua nhắn với Gia Đình ThanhCaVietNam: Chúc mừng sinh nhật thứ 15 website ThanhCaVietNam. Kính chúc quý Cha, quý tu sĩ nam nữ cùng toàn thể anh chị em luôn tràn đầy ơn Chúa. Amen ThanhCaVN nhắn với Quý ACE: Nhân dịp Sinh Nhật lần thứ 15 Website, BQT-TCVN kính chúc Quý Cha, Quý Tu sỹ Nam Nữ, Quý Nhạc sỹ - Ca Trưởng – Ca sỹ, Quý Ân Nhân và toàn thể ACE luôn tràn đầy HỒNG ÂN CHÚA. phale nhắn với cecilialmr: Nhớ em nhiều lắm ! cầu mong nơi ấy được bình yên. phale nhắn với thiên thần bóng tối: Nhớ em nhiều lắm ! cầu mong nơi ấy được bình yên. phale nhắn với teenvnlabido: Ngày mai (1/6) sinh nhật của bạn teen / chúc mọi điều tốt lành trong tuổi mới. phale nhắn với tất cả: Xin Chúa cho dịch bệnh sớm qua đi và ban bình an cho những người thành tâm cầu xin Ngài. ThanhCaVN nhắn với ACE: Kính chúc ACE: Giáng Sinh & Năm Mới 2021 - An Bình & luôn tràn đầy Hồng Ân Thiên Chúa

+ Trả lời chủ đề + Gửi chủ đề mới
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Chủ đề: Những từ viết tắt khi CHAT

  1. #1
    littlewave's Avatar

    Tham gia ngày: Aug 2007
    Giới tính: Nữ
    Quốc gia: Vietnam
    Bài gởi: 2,529
    Cám ơn
    Được cám ơn 8,037 lần trong 1,863 bài viết

    Default Những từ viết tắt khi CHAT

    Những từ viết tắt khi CHAT

    $0.02 - Throwing in your two cent's worth

    ? - Please explain

    ?4U - Question for you

    1FTR - One For The Road

    24/7 - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

    2L8 - Too Late

    2U2 - To you too

    3D - Three-Dimensional

    404 - I haven''t a clue (error message 404, address not found)

    ^5 - High Five

    A/S/L - Age/Sex/Location

    A/S/L/P - Age/Sex/Location/Picture

    AA - Alcoholics Anonymous

    AAA - Any Advice Appreciated

    AAMOF - As A Matter Of Fact

    ADGR - Any Donations Gratefully Received

    ADN - Any Day Now

    AFAIAA - As Far As I Am Aware

    AFAIC - As Far As I''m Concerned

    AFAICT - As Far As I Can Tell

    AFAIK - As Far As I Know

    AFAIR - As Far As I Recall

    AFAIUI - As Far As I Understand It

    AFK - Away From Keyboard

    AGAN - As Good As New

    AI - As If

    AIC - Ain''t It Cool

    AISB - As I Said Before

    AISI - As I See It

    AIUI - As I Understand It

    AIW - As It Were

    AKA - Also Known As

    ALOIA - A Lot Of It Anyway

    AMAP - As Many/Much As Possible

    AMF - Adios, MotherF''r or Adios, My Friend

    AMIGA - A Merely Insignificant Game Addiction

    ANAWFOS - And Now A Word From Our Sponsor

    APAC - All Praise And Credit

    APITN - A Pain In The Neck

    ASAP - As Soon As Possible

    ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange

    ASWGAFF - Ask Someone Who Gives A Flying F-!

    ATB - All The Best

    ATM - At The Moment

    ATS - Across The Street

    ATTN - Attention

    ATTYO - Anything That Turns You On

    AWCIGO - And Where Can I Get One?

    AWGTHTGTTA? - Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again?

    AWHFY - Are We Having Fun Yet?

    AWOL - Absent WithOut Leave

    AYT? - Are You There?

    B2B - Business-to-Business

    B2C - Business-to-Consumer

    B4 - Before

    B4N - Bye For Now

    BA - Bedroom Activity

    BAC - By Any Chance

    BAC - Back At Computer

    BAD - Broken As Designed

    BAK - Back At Keyboard

    BAMF - Bad Assed MotherF''r

    BASIC - Bill''s Attempt to Seize Industry Control

    BAY - Back At You

    BBFN - Bye Bye For Now

    BBIAB - Be Back In A Bit

    BBIAF - Be Back In A Few

    BBL - Be Back Later

    BBN - Bye Bye Now

    BBR - Burnt Beyond Repair

    BBS - Be Back Soon

    BBS - Bulletin Board System

    B/C - Because

    BC - Basket Case or Be Cool

    BCC - Blind Carbon Copy

    BCNU - Be Seein'' You

    BEG - Big Evil Grin

    BF - Boyfriend

    BFD - Big F''ing Deal

    BFG - Big Friendly Giant or Big F''ing Gun

    BFH - Big F''ing Hammer

    BFI - Brute Force and Ignorance

    BFMI - Brute Force and Massive Ignorance

    BFN - Bye For Now

    BFOG - Blouse Full Of Goodies

    BG - Big Grin

    BIBO - Beer In, Beer Out

    BIC - Best In Class

    BIF - Basis In Fact

    BIL - Brother-In-Law

    BION - Believe It Or Not

    BIOYIOP - Blow It Out Your I/O Port

    BIOYA - Blow It Out Your Ass

    BITD - Beaten It To Death

    BKA - Better Known As

    BMF - Bad MotherF''r

    BMOC - Big Man On Campus

    BMTIPG - Brilliant Minds Think In Parallel Gutters

    BNF - Big Name Fan

    BOC - But Of Course

    BOF - Birds Of a Feather

    BOFH - Bastard (system) Operator From Hell

    BOHICA - Bend Over, Here It Comes Again

    BOS - Big Orange Switch

    BOT - Back On Topic

    BOTE - Back Of The Envelope

    BRB - Be Right Back

    BRS - Big Red Switch

    BS - Bull S***

    BSEG - Big S*** Eating Grin

    BSF - But Seriously Folks

    BSG - Big Smiling Grin or Broad Sweeping Generalisation

    BSOD - Blue Screen Of Death (error message)

    BTA - But Then Again

    BTAICBW - But Then Again I Could Be Wrong

    BTAIM - Be That As It May

    BTDT - Been There, Done That

    BTL - Better Than Life

    BTO - Build/Built To Order or Big Time Operator

    BTOBD - Be There Or Be Dead

    BTSOOM - Beats The S*** Out Of Me

    BTTH - Boot To The Head

    BTTT - Back To The Top

    BTW - By The Way

    BUAF - Butt Ugly ASCII Font

    ^BUMP^ - Bring Up My Post (sending topic back to the top)

    BWL - Bursting With Laughter

    BWQ - BuzzWord Quotient

    BWTG - Big Way To Go

    BY - Busy

    BYKT - But You Knew That

    BYKTA - But You Knew That Already

    BYOB - Bring Your Own Bottle

    BYOH - Bat You On the Head

    C&G - Chuckle and Grin

    C/O - Care Of

    CAB - Cheap Ass Bastard/Bitch

    CADET - Can''t Add, Doesn''t Even Try

    CB - Call Back

    CC - Carbon Copy

    CE - Creative Editing

    CF - Charlie Foxtrot; Cluster F''d (meaning similar to SNAFU)

    CFD - Call For Discussion

    CFV - Call For Votes

    CHUR - See How You Are

    CICO - Coffee In, Coffee Out

    CID - Consider It Done

    CID - Crying In Disgrace

    CIO - Check It Out

    CL - Cross Link

    CLAB - Crying Like A Baby

    CM - Call Me

    CMIIW - Correct Me If I''m Wrong

    CNP - Continued (in my) Next Post

    CO - COnference

    COD - Cash On Delivery

    Cof$ - Church of Scientology

    CP - Chat Post

    CPF? - Can Pigs Fly?

    CRAFT - Can''t Remember A F''ing Thing

    CRBT - Crying Real Big Tears

    CRPG - Character/Computer Role-Playing Game

    CRS - Can''t Remember S***

    CS - Cop Shop (police station)

    CS - Customer Service/Support

    CSG - Chuckle, Snicker, Grin

    CTTD - Cute Things They Do

    CTTS - Cute Things They Say

    CU - See You

    CUL - See You Later

    CUL8R - See You Later

    CUOP - Catch Up On Posts

    CWOT - Complete Waste Of Time

    CWYL - Chat With You Later

    CYA - See You

    CYA - Cover Your Ass

    CYAL8R - See You Later

    CYL - See You Later

    CYM - Check Your Mail

    DAY - Dreamed About You

    DBA - Doing Business As

    DBL - Don''t Be Long

    DBN - Doing Business - Not!

    DC - Distributed Computing

    DD - Darling Daughter

    DDG - Drop Dead Gorgeous

    DDI - Don''t Do It

    DEU - Dumb End User

    DFU - Don''t Forget Units

    DGUTDJ - Don''t Give Up The Day Job

    DHB - Don''t Hurry Back

    DIGAD - Do I Give A Damn?

    DIIK - Damned If I Know

    DIL - Daughter-In-Law

    DILLIGAF - Does It Look Like I Give A F***?

    DIY - Do It Yourself

    DK - Don''t Know

    DKU - Drop Kick Ugly

    DL or D/L - Download

    DLG - Devilish Little Grin

    DLTBBB - Don''t Let The Bed Bugs Bite

    DNA - Did Not Answer

    DNPM - Darn Near P''d Myself

    DOA - Dead On Arrival

    DOB - Date/Day Of Birth

    DOM - Dirty Old Man

    DQM - Don''t Quote Me

    DRA - Don''t Recognise Acronyms

    DS - Darling Son

    DTD - Document Type Definition

    DTM? - Does That Mean?

    DTOKAB - Drop To One Knee And Blow

    DTP - DeskTop Publishing

    DTRT - Do The Right Thing

    DUCWIC - Do you see What I see?

    DUK - Dead Upon Keyboard

    DWBH - Don''t Worry, Be Happy

    DWIM - Do What I Mean

    DWISNWID - Do What I Say, Not What I Do

    DYE - Damn Your Eyes!

    DYHWIH - Do You Hear What I Hear?

    DYJHIW - Don''t You Just Hate It When

    DYSWIS - Do You See What I See?

    E2EG - Ear to Ear Grin

    EAK - Eating At Keyboard

    ED - Emotionally Disturbed

    EDP - Emotionally Disturbed Person

    EG - Evil Grin

    EIF - Exercise In Futility

    EMS - E-Mail Shorthand

    EMSG - Email Message

    EOB - End Of Business

    EOD - End Of Discussion

    EOF - End Of File

    EOL - End Of Lecture

    EOM - End Of Matter/Message

    EOT - End Of Thread (i.e. don''t reply to this message)

    ES&D - Eat S*** and Die

    ESOSL - Endless Snorts Of Stupid Laughter

    ESP - ESPecially

    ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival

    ETD - Estimated Time of Departure

    ETLA - Extended Three Letter Acronym

    F2F - Face to Face

    FAO - For Attention Of

    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

    FC - Fingers Crossed

    FEIYD - ForEver In Your Debt

    FFS - For F''s Sake

    FISH - First In, Still Here

    FITB - Fill In The Blank_________

    FNAR - For No Apparent Reason

    FNAR - (expression used to indicate a double entendre)

    FOAD - F*** Off And Die

    FOAF - Friend Of A Friend

    FOC - Free Of Charge

    FOFL - Falling On Floor Laughing

    FOS - Full Of S***

    FOTCL - Falling Off The Chair Laughing

    FOTW - Flags Of The World

    FOTW - Flame Of The Week

    FR - For Real

    FTBOMH - From The Bottom Of My Heart

    FTF - Face To Face

    FTL - Follow The Link

    FTTT - From Time To Time

    FTW - F*** The World

    FUBAR - F''d Up Beyond All Recognition /Repair

    FUD - (spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation

    FWIW - For What It''s Worth

    FX - Effects

    FYA - For Your Amusement

    FYE - For Your Entertainment

    FYEO - For Your Eyes Only

    FYI - For Your Information

    < G > - Grin (add < > for bigger grins)

    G2G - Got to Go

    GA - Go Ahead

    GAC - Get A Clue

    GAFIA - Get Away From It All

    GAG - Get A Grip

    GAL - Get A Life

    GAS - Greetings And Salutations

    GBH - Great Big Hug or Grievous Bodily Harm

    GF - Girlfriend

    GFN - Gone For Now

    GG - Good Game

    GGL - Giggle

    GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out

    GIWIST - Gee, I Wish I''d Said That

    GJ - Good Job

    GL - Good Luck

    GLGH - Good Luck and Good Hunting

    GM - Good Move

    GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike

    GOLL - Getting/Got One Long List

    GR&D - Grinning, Running and Ducking

    GTG - Got To Go

    GTH - Go To Him/Her

    GTH - Go To Hell

    GTSY - Glad To See You

    GYPO - Get Your Pants Off

    < H > - Hug

    H&K - Hugs and Kisses

    HAGD - Have A Good Day

    HAGN - Have A Good Night

    HAGO - Have A Good One

    HAND - Have A Nice Day

    HB - Hurry Back or Hug Back

    HF - Have Fun

    HH - Holding Hands

    HHIS - Hanging Head In Shame

    HHOJ - Ha Ha, Only Joking

    HHOK - Ha Ha, Only Kidding

    HHOS - Ha Ha, Only Serious

    HIWTH - Hate It When That Happens

    HOAS - Hold On A Second

    HSH - Home Sweet Home

    HTH - Hope This/That Helps

    HWISTKT - How Was I Supposed To Know That

    IAC - In Any Case

    IAE - In Any Event

    IAGW - In A Good Way

    IANAL - I Am Not A Lawyer

    IBALD - It''s Been A Long Day

    IBM - Inadequate Business Management

    IC - I See

    ICBW - I Could Be Wrong

    ICQ - I Seek You

    ICYDK - In Case You Didn''t Know

    IDGI - I Don''t Get It

    IDK - I Don''t Know

    IDTT - I''ll Drink To That!

    IFU - I F''d Up

    IGP - I Gotta Pee

    IIDKB - If I Didn''t Know Better

    IIRC - If I Remember Correctly

    IIWY - If I Were You

    IK - I Know

    IKWYM - I Know What You Mean

    ILU - I Love you

    ILY - I Love You

    IM - Instant Message

    IMAO - In My Arrogant Opinion

    IMCO - In My Considered Opinion

    IME - In My Experience

    IMHO - In My Humble Opinion

    IMNERHO - In My Not Even Remotely Humble Opinion

    IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion

    IMO - In My Opinion

    INC - INCluding or INClusive

    INPO - In No Particular Order

    IOH - I''m Outta Here

    IOW - In Other Words

    IPN - I''m Posting Naked

    IRC - Internet Relay Chat

    IRL - In Real Life

    IRMC - I Rest My Case

    IRO - In Region Of

    IS - I''m Sorry

    ISC - I Stand Corrected

    ISDN - It Still Does Nothing

    ISP - Internet Service Provider

    ISTM - It Seems To Me

    ISTR - I Seem To Recall

    ISWYM - I See What You Mean

    ITRO - In The Region Of

    ITRW - In The Real World

    IWALU - I Will Always Love You

    IWBNI - It Would Be Nice If

    IYKWIM - If You Know What I Mean

    IYO - In Your Opinion

    J/K - Just Kidding

    J/P - Just Playing

    JAM - Just A Minute

    JASE - Just Another System Error

    JAT - Just A Thought

    JAVA - Just Another Vague Acronym

    JFTR - Just For The Record

    JIC - Just In Case

    JMHO - Just My Humble Opinion

    JMO - Just My Opinion

    JOKE - Just One Kidding Everyone

    JOOI - Just Out Of Interest

    JOT - Just One Thought

    JTFM - Just The Facts, Mister/Ma''am

    JTLYK - Just To Let You Know

    JTYWWTK - Just Thought You Would Want To Know

    < K > - Kiss

    KB - Kiss Back

    KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid

    KIT - Keep In Touch

    KMA - Kiss My Ass

    KMF - Kiss Me, Fool

    KOC - Kiss On Cheek

    KWIM - Know What I Mean?

    KYPO - Keep Your Pants On

    L8R - Later

    L&ML - Lies and More Lies

    LAB&TYD - Life''s A Bitch and Then You Die

    LHM - Lord Help Me

    LHO - Laughing Head Off

    LHU - Lord Help Us

    LI - Laughing Insanely or Laughing Inside

    LIS - Laughing In Silence

    LLTA - Lots and Lots of Thunderous Applause

    LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off

    LMBO - Laughing My Butt Off

    LMK - Let Me Know

    LMOL - Laughing Madly Out Loud

    LMSO - Laughing My Socks Off

    LOL - Laughing Out Loud

    LSHISOTS - Laughing So Hard I Spat/Spit On The Screen

    LSHTTARD - Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down

    LTNS - Long Time No See

    LTNT - Long Time No Type

    LTR - Long Term Relationship

    LTS - Laughing To Self

    LY - Love You

    LYK - Let You Know

    LYWAMH - Love You With All My Heart

    M/F? - Male or Female?

    M8 - Mate

    MEGO - My Eyes Glaze Over

    MHBFY - My Heart Bleeds For You

    MHOTY - My Hat''s Off To You

    MM - Mama Mia!

    MMD - Make My Day

    MO - My Opinion

    MorF - Male or Female

    MOTAS - Member Of The Appropriate Sex

    MOTD - Message Of The Day

    MOTOS - Member Of The Opposite Sex

    MOTSS - Member Of The Same Sex

    M$ - A well-known software company

    MSG - Message

    MTBF - Mean Time Between Failures

    MTF - More To Follow

    MYOB - Mind Your Own Business

    MYW - Makes You Wonder

    N2M - Not too Much

    NADT - Not A Darn Thing

    NALAYL - Not As Long As You Live

    NARU - Not A Registered User

    NBIF - No Basis In Fact

    NC - No Comment

    ND - Nearly Done

    NE - Any

    NFW - No F''ing Way

    NG - NewsGroup

    NGAS - No one Gives A S***

    NIAMY - Not In A Million Years

    NIFOC - Nude In Front Of the Computer

    NIICHI - Not If I Can Help It

    NIMBY - Not In My Back Yard

    NIYL - Not In Your Life

    NM - Never Mind

    NMH - Not Much Here

    NMJC - Nothing Much, Just Chilling

    NNTA - No Need To Answer

    NOS - New Old Stock

    NOYB - None Of Your Business

    NOYL - Not On Your Life

    NP - No Problem

    NRN - No Reply Necessary

    NRN - Not Right Now

    NRP - None Real-time Processor

    NTOOT - Nine Times Out Of Ten

    NTW - Not To Worry

    NWIH - No Way In Hell

    OAO - Over And Out

    OBTW - Oh, By The Way

    OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer

    OIAM - One In A Million

    OIC - Oh, I see

    OL - Old Lady

    OM - Old Man

    OMG - Oh My God

    OOAK - One Of A Kind

    OOI - Out Of Interest

    OOTB - Out Of The Box or Out Of The Blue

    OOTC - Obligatory On Topic Comment

    OP - Operator or Original Poster

    OPM - Other People''s Money

    OT - Off Topic

    OTF - On The Floor

    OTOH - On The Other Hand

    OTP - On The Phone

    OTT - Over The Top

    OTT - Off The Topic

    OTTH - On The Third Hand

    OTTOMH - Off The Top Of My Head

    OYA - On Your Ass

    P2P - Peer-to-Peer

    PC - Politically Correct

    PD - Public Domain

    PDA - Public Display of Affection

    PDQ - Pretty Damn Quick

    PDS - Please Don''t Shoot

    PEBCAK - Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard

    PEBKAC - Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair

    PIMP - Peeing In My Pants

    PITA - Pain In The Ass

    PLZ - Please

    PM - Private Message

    PMFBI - Pardon Me For Butting In

    PMFJI - Pardon Me For Jumping In

    PMJI - Pardon My Jumping In

    PML - P*ssed Myself Laughing

    PMSL - P*ssing MySelf Laughing

    POAHF - Put On A Happy Face

    POS - Point Of Sale

    POS - Pile/Piece Of S***

    POSSLQ - Person of Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters

    POTC - Peck On The Cheek

    POETS - P*ss Off Early, Tomorrow''s Saturday

    POV - Point Of View

    PPL - People

    PS - Post Script

    PU - That stinks

    QT - Cutie

    RE - Regarding

    REHI - Hello Again

    RFD - Request For Discussion

    RHP - Read His/Her Post

    RL - Real Life

    RMA - Return Merchandise Authorisation

    RMA - Registered Members'' Area

    ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing

    ROFLASTC - Rolling On Floor Laughing And Scaring The Cat

    ROI - Return On Investment

    ROTF - Rolling On The Floor

    ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing

    ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off

    ROTFLMAOAY - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off At You

    ROTFUTS - Rolling On The Floor Unable To Speak

    RPG - Role-Playing Game

    RPTS - RePost That S***/Stuff

    RSN - Real Soon Now (i.e. never)

    RTFAQ - Read The FAQ

    RTFM - Read The F''ing Manual /Message

    RTM - Read The Manual /Message

    RU? - Are You?

    RU4R - Are You For Real?

    RUOK - Are You Okay?

    SARO - SmartAss Reply Only

    SAYL - Sorry About Your Luck

    SB - Smiles Back

    SBPH - Should Be Posted Here

    SCNR - Sorry, Could Not Resist

    SETE - Smiling Ear To Ear

    SHID - Slaps Head In Disgust

    SHTF - S*** Hits The Fan

    SITD - Still In The Dark

    SMO - Serious Mode On or Safe Mode Only

    SMOff - Serious Mode Off

    SNAFU - Situation Normal, All F''d Up

    SNERT -- Snot-Nosed Egotistical Rude Teenager

    SNR - Signal-to-Noise Ratio

    SO - Significant Other

    SOB - Son Of a Bitch

    SOHF - Sense Of Humour Failure

    SOHO - Small Office, Home Office

    SOL - S*** Out of Luck

    SOMY - Sick Of Me Yet?

    SOS - Same Old S***/Stuff

    SOT - Short Of Time

    SOTMG - Short Of Time, Must Go

    SPAM - SPiced hAM (unwanted advertising)

    SRHI - So Rumour Has It

    SSDD - Same S***, Different Day

    STB - Simply The Best

    STFU - Shut The F* Up

    STFW - Search The F''ing Web

    SW - ShareWare

    SWAG - Scientific Wild Ass Guess

    SWAK - Sealed With A Kiss

    SWL - Screaming With Laughter

    SWMBO - She Who Must Be Obeyed

    SYL - See You Later

    SYS - See You Soon

    SYSADMIN - SYStem ADMINistator

    SYSOP - SYStem OPerator

    TA - Thanks Again

    TAFN - That''s All For Now

    TAL - Thanks A Lot

    TANJ - There Ain''t No Justice

    TANSTAAFL - There Ain''t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

    TARFU - Things Are Really F''d Up

    TAT - TurnAround Time

    TBA - To Be Announced

    TBF - To Be Fair

    TBH - To Be Honest

    TBIB - The Bitch/Bastard Is Back

    TC - Telephone Call

    TCO - Taken Care Of

    TCOY - Take Care Of Yourself

    TDM - Too Darn Many

    TEOTWAWKI - The End Of The World As We Know It

    TFIF - Thank F*** It''s Friday

    TFS - Thanks For Sharing

    TGIF - Thank God It''s Friday

    TIA - Thanks In Advance

    TIAFI - Tried It And F''d It

    TIC - Tongue In Cheek

    TID - Thread Is Deteriorating

    TILII - Tell It Like It Is

    TLA - Three Letter Acronym

    TLC - Tender Loving Care

    TLG - The Living God

    TMA - Take My Advice

    TMBCU - Till My Bowels Cramp Up

    TMF - Too Much Fun

    TMTT - Too Much To Type

    TNT - Till Next Time

    TNTL - Trying Not To Laugh

    TNX - Thanks

    TNX 1.0E6 - Thanks a million (1.0E6 is exponential notation for one million)

    TNXE6 - Thanks a million

    TOS - Terms Of Sale

    TOY - Thinking Of You

    TPTB - The Powers That Be

    TRD - Tears Rolling/Running Down

    TTBOMK - To The Best Of My Knowledge

    TTFN - Ta Ta For Now

    TTFS - Try This For Size

    TTT - To The Top or Time To Twist

    TTYL - Talk To You Later

    TW - Two Weeks

    TWBAR - That Would Be A Riot

    TWIS - That''s What I Said/Stated

    TX - Thanks

    TYVM - Thank You Very Much

    U2 - You too

    UL - Until Later

    UL or U/L - Upload

    unPC - unPolitically Correct

    UR - You are

    VAR - Value-Added Reseller

    VAT - Value-Added Tax

    VBG - Very Big Grin

    VC - Virtual Community

    VEG - Very Evil Grin

    VFM - Value For Money

    VGI - Very Good Idea

    VR - Virtual Reality

    VWG - Very Wicked Grin

    W8 - Wait

    W8AM - Wait A Minute

    WABOL - What A Bunch Of Losers

    WAG - Wild Ass Guess

    WB - Welcome Back

    WBS - Write Back Soon

    WDTM - What Does That Mean?

    WE - WhatEver or WeekEnd

    WEG - Wicked Evil Grin

    WFM - Works For Me

    WG - Wicked Grin

    WHYD - What Have You Done?

    W/O - Without

    WOB - Waste Of Bandwidth/Brainpower

    WOBTAM - Waste Of Both Time And Money

    WRT - With Regard To

    WRUF? - Where are you From?

    WTF - What The F''?

    WTG - Way To Go!

    WTH - What The Hell?

    WTHDTM - What The Hell Does That Mean?

    WUF? - Where are you From?

    WWYD? - What Would You Do?

    WYGIWYPF - What You Get Is What You Pay For

    WYMM - Will You Marry Me?

    WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get

    XHNS - eXtra Hot N'' Spicy

    Y - Why?

    YA - Yet Another

    YABA - Yet Another Bloody Acronym

    YBS - You''ll Be Sorry

    YGM - You''ve Got Mail

    YGWYPF - You Get What You Pay For

    YHBW - You Had/Have Been Warned

    YKYBHTLW - You Know You''ve Been Hacking Too Long When

    YL - Young Lady

    YM - Young Man

    YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary

    YMMVG - Your Mileage May Vary Greatly

    YOY - Why Oh Why

    YTB - You''re The Best

    YW - You''re Welcome

    YWSYLS - You Win Some, You Lose Some

    YYMV - Your Yak May/Moves Vomit

    ZIAO - Zoning In And Out


  2. Được cám ơn bởi:

  3. #2
    BMK's Avatar

    Tham gia ngày: Jul 2007
    Tên Thánh: Phêrô
    Giới tính: Nam
    Đến từ: GP Long Xuyên
    Quốc gia: Vietnam
    Bài gởi: 513
    Cám ơn
    Được cám ơn 1,590 lần trong 336 bài viết


    Bổ sung thêm một ít Hình Diễn Tả nữa nè:
    (n_n) Cười
    (._.) Uh oh
    (-__-) Đau, buồn ngủ, mệt
    (;_;) Khóc
    (T_T) Khóc, buồn
    (@_@) Choáng váng, chóng mặt
    (O_O) Sửng sốt, ngạc nhiên
    (*^*) Ngạc nhiên, kinh ngạc
    (>_<) Ối
    (^_^) Vui vẻ, hạnh phúc
    *(^O^)* Vui hơn, hạnh phúc hơn
    (^o^) Sung sướng, vui mừng
    (¬_¬) Bực bội
    (¬_¬") Bực mình
    (X_X) Chết
    (=_=) Chán
    (*-*) Yêu thích
    (!__!) Buồn
    (o_O) Hoài nghi, ngờ vực
    (*O*) Không thể tin được
    (-O-) Kiêu căng, khoe khoang
    ([o]) Khóc lóc, kêu la
    ([-]) Khóc lóc, kêu la
    (p_q) Bối rối, ngượng
    (o_o) "Không đùa chứ ???"
    (;O;) Khóc căy đắng
    (_O_) duh
    (.O.') Bối rối, ngượng
    ('_') Nghiêm túc
    (?_?) "Cái gì ???"
    ('O') Hát
    m(_ _)m Đang ngủ trên bàn, bỏ cuộc
    w(^o^)W Wow !!!
    (=^_^=) Mèo
    (u_u) Buồn
    (ú_ú) Đau ốm
    (>x<!) Chửi
    (*¬*) Chảy nước mũi
    (ñ_ñ) Cười giả tạo
    (Y_Y) Buồn vô tận
    ($_$) "Tiền tiền"
    (ò_ó) Tức điên
    (♥_♥) Đang yêu
    (xOx) "Noooooooooooooooooo"
    (>O<) Kinh quá, khiếp quá
    (-_o) Nháy mắt
    8(>_<)8 Ghen tị, đố kỵ
    (ô_ô) "Đang nhìn cái gì thế ???"
    (z_z) Buồn ngủ, ngái ngủ
    (9_9) Không ngủ được
    (>>) Nhìn chỗ khác
    (~o~) "Mày điên quá"
    (^_^)/~~ Tạm biệt
    (ToT)/~~~ Nói tạm biệt
    (;_;)/~~~ Tạm biệt (khóc)
    (^-^)V "Victory !!!"
    p(^^)q Chúc may mắn
    (#_#) Bị đánh bại
    \(^o\) (/o^)/ Nhảy múa
    (n///n) Nhút nhát, e thẹn
    (o|o) Bất ngờ
    (U_U) "Tôi xin lỗi"
    (.-.) Bị sốc
    (>*-*>) Ôm
    ^(*-*)^ Đầu hàng
    (^-^)b Thành công
    \(*O*)/ Khó tin, tuyệt vời
    (^^)// Cổ vũ
    ((((((^_^;) Trốn
    ((+_+)) Uhmmmm
    (^o^)y Làm lành
    (>.<) Arrrrgh!
    ($v$) Tham lam
    (-.-)zzzzz Đang ngủ
    (~_^) Nháy mắt
    ( )( O . O )( ) Khỉ
    ( L_____L ) ~zzz Đang ngủ
    (^w^) Hạnh phúc, vui vẻ
    (>w<) Sung sướng vô vùng
    (OwO) Wow !!!
    (^;_;^) Khóc hạnh phúc
    (ò_ô) "Cái gì thế ???"
    (õ_ó) "Uhhh"
    (¬_¬) "Uh, đúng roài"

    Chúc mọi người Chát vui vẻ !
    Chữ ký của BMK
    Bạn hãy sống như ngày mai phải chết
    Yêu như ngày mai phải cách xa
    Thực hiện ước mơ của bạn như thể nó là cơ hội cuối cùng trong cuộc đời bạn.

  4. Có 2 người cám ơn BMK vì bài này:

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